

ELRFC – A fun place to learn to play Kids First Rugby


Teamwork, Respect, Enjoyment, Discipline and Sportsmanship


Minis Contact Details


Eagles Support Kolkata Jungle Crows

Eagles Support Kolkata Jungle Crows

The Jungle Crows is a rugby club based in the Indian city of Kolkata founded in 2004 by rugby mad, ex-pat Paul Walsh. Though India is obviously best known for cricket, rugby has a fervent following and has created considerable change in young lives, especially through...

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Movember at Eagles

Movember at Eagles

We need your helpTogether at Effingham & Leatherhead RFC, we as players, coaches, dads and sons, across all age groups are joining forces to raise funds and awareness this Movember for all the dads, brothers, sons and mates in our lives. We need YOUR help Please...

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ELRFC Community Day – 12th September 2021

ELRFC Community Day – 12th September 2021

Date: Sunday 12th SeptemberTime: 10:00 - 14:00 Effingham & Leatherhead Rugby club  Community Day - Pitch up and Play at: Browns Lane, Effingham, KT24 5ND Come and play rugby at your local community club - we run teams from 4 to 18 years old, seniors to Touch...

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The Eagles Nest – June 2021

The Eagles Nest – June 2021

The Eagles Nest Update: Looking forward to a summer of rugby and the Lions Tour of South Africa.
By Lee Bradshaw – Chairman, Minis Section

Eagles News: Senior Coach Dan Leek, Return to rugby, O2 Touch, Strength and Conditioning Fitness Classes, Easter rugby camp, Volunteering

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The Eagles Nest – April 2021 – Update

The Eagles Nest – April 2021 – Update

The Eagles Nest Update: Returning to community rugby.
By Justin Brookfield – Junior Chairman

Eagles News: Senior Coach Dan Leek, Return to rugby, O2 Touch, Strength and Conditioning Fitness Classes, Easter rugby camp, Volunteering

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Easter Rugby Camp Fun

Easter Rugby Camp Fun

By Dan Leek What a fantastic 3 days of rugby at the nest. It was certainly a bizarre start to the camp with snow covering the pitches on Monday morning! However this did not deter the 75 boys and girls from U6 to U13 who were amazing throughout and i'm sure they slept...

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The Eagles Nest – April 2021

The Eagles Nest – April 2021

The Eagles Nest Update: Returning to community rugby.
By Dan Leek – Seniors Head Coach

Eagles News: Senior Coach Dan Leek, Return to rugby, O2 Touch, Strength and Conditioning Fitness Classes, Easter rugby camp, Volunteering

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The Eagles crowdfunding campaign is now live! We are raising funds to help cover the cost of keeping our facilities and training sessions COVID-safe. You can give gift a donation, or you can choose to claim one of many rewards in exchange for your donation. So you can...

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We are going put together a club calendar and would like everybody to have an input by sending in your favourite shots, photos you think are fun, or represent our club.

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Rugby By Harry Brookfield

Rugby By Harry Brookfield

I am standing in a large, wet field Five and a half years old Surrounded by loads of other kids Shivering in the cold We’re here because our dads said so They promise it’ll be fun We’re thrown a funny egg shaped ball We catch it then we run Now aged 9 the game’s got...

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Minis-boy-girlWelcome to the Minis Section at Effingham & Leatherhead RFC. The Minis section is made up of age groups spanning from Under 6s to Under 11s.

We welcome girls and boys of all ages and skill levels in the teams and can accommodate parents and volunteers who would like to get involved. We may add names to waiting lists as the teams fill-up but hope to be able to welcome everyone.

2021-22 Dates

Training is each Sunday from 10:00 to 12:00 at Browns Field

Winter season start Sunday 5th September 10:00
Winter season end Sunday 19th December 10:00
Spring season start Sunday 2nd January 10:00
Spring season end Sunday 1st May 10:00

Age Groups

U6s encompass 4-6 year olds, with subsequent years tracking academic age groups. The u6s train each week at home and some invitational away sessions, or will host local clubs at Browns Lane.

Once in the u7s, training is complementary to the frequent Surrey festivals the kids are invited to. Each year, ELRFC hosts the very successful Minis Festival in Effingham.


There are different levels of membership available, from social to family. We welcome guests and players wanting to try taster sessions, with membership subs to be paid within the first month of playing. Each playing member needs to be registered with the RFU to be able to attend and play in festivals.

Training & volunteering

Each of our age groups are supported by a dedicated team of volunteer coaches, assistants and helpers. The focus of all the coaches is to teach the core skills of rugby in a fun and friendly environment whilst also promoting the RFU core rugby values;

  • Teamwork
  • Respect
  • Enjoyment
  • Discipline
  • Sportsmanship

Each team is managed by a Year Group Manager, with a group of volunteer co-ordinators looking at section-wide elements such as Training, Membership, Business, Sponsorships etc. We welcome interest from any parents or guardians looking to get involved in any part of the set-up, on a voluntary or professional basis.


The clubhouse kitchen is open every Sunday morning during training 10:00-14:00, serving hot drinks and breakfast rolls, burgers and hotdogs. Visiting the club house after training is a great way for the children and parents to enjoy each other’s company away from the pitch whilst also enjoying a hot snack, some well-earned sweets from the tuck shop, or even a refreshing drink from the club bar.

The clubhouse hosts the club kitshop for new rugby kit for all ages; kit can be ordered from the club.

Recommended Kit:

Dry weather

  • trainers for dry ground
  • rugby socks
  • shorts
  • short sleeved rugby shirt
  • long sleeved shirt

Wet weather – dry weather kit plus

  • rugby / football boots
  • undershirt / skin
  • long johns / thermal trousers
  • rugby gloves / mittens
  • beanie
  • rain jacket / fleece


  • It’s all about the kids
  • Deliver what we promise as a team
  • No team left behind

If you have any questions, please get in touch via the club or directly.

Chris King
Minis Chairman, Effingham & Leatherhead RFC Minis

A Seal of Approval RFU Club