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The winners for December 2017 are:
£100: No. 106 - J Page £50: No. 94 - N Wilkinson
A certain G Page won the first ...

Please Note:
Coach travel booking will be closing on the 19th December at 5pm. Please take advantage of this ...

We have received an invitation from Surrey RFC to a FREE referee event at Cobham Rugby Club on Monday, 15th ...

Half-Term Harlequins Training Course at ELRFC 23-25 October - CLOSED
The course is aimed at u7-u15 year groups and the more players who attend, the better the event and level of skills shared.

Due to the hot weather affecting my memory (nothing to do with the celebrations Saturday night) this match ...

The Club's 50th Anniversary Summer Ball on 7 May proved to be a resounding success and we enjoyed the ...

The Club is proud to announce that it has been awarded RFU Accredited Club status. The new Club Accreditation ...

GOLDEN Eagles climaxed a remarkable campaign as they swooped to a first Surrey Cup triumph and with it a famous double.