We are delighted to announce that Will Davies is joining us as a player coach for the upcoming season.

After playing at Cranleigh for the last few years, Will commented on his move:

“I’m really excited to join the team at Effingham. There is a really positive atmosphere down at the club and it is clear that all the players thrive off that. I can’t wait to get stuck in!”

Prior to this Will played his rugby whilst serving in the British Army, playing for both the Infantry and his Regiment, the Fusiliers. Will captained the regiment both in XVs and in the sevens game, culminating in competing at the Dubai Sevens.

Will also played rugby at university and at a variety of clubs prior to his service. He is currently Assistant Head at a local school and coaches age grade rugby there. Will’s wife and daughter are looking forward to cheering him on from the side lines, with their second baby due in October. He is ready to hit the ground running working with players and the coaching team.

DoR “Robbo” Robinson is delighted with our new recruit:

“Will lives and breathes the game of rugby and is exactly the type of player coach we need to help Eagles move up to the next level. He has fitted in so well to our squad – it will be great to see him in action.”

Welcome Will!