Every Friday Night is Social Night at the Club!

Every Friday Night is Social Night at the Club!

Club members may like to know that the clubhouse is open most Friday evenings until approximately 8.30pm. On the first Friday of each month the bar stays open until 10pm and savoury snacks and nibbles are provided. Why not make it a regular Friday evening at the...
200 Club December 2017 Winners

200 Club December 2017 Winners

The winners for December 2017 are: £100: No. 106 – J Page £50: No. 94 – N Wilkinson A certain G Page won the first prize last month. We must have forgotten to turn the...
Eagles Big Game 10 Coach Travel

Eagles Big Game 10 Coach Travel

Please Note: Coach travel booking will be closing on the 19th December at 5pm. Please take advantage of this excellent offer and book before this time using the link below. With thanks BOOK MY COACH...
Every Friday Night is Social Night at the Club!

Referee Event 15 Jan 18

We have received an invitation from Surrey RFC to a FREE referee event at Cobham Rugby Club on Monday, 15th January 2018.  The invitation is open to ALL L1 and L2 referees and CREFC’s in the County with or without a role at the club. This is your opportunity to...
Harlequins Training Course at ELRFC 23-25 October 2017

Harlequins Training Course at ELRFC 23-25 October 2017

Places Still Available for Half-Term Harlequins Training Course at ELRFC 23-25 October There are still some places remaining for the next Half Term training course at KGV to be held this half-term, Monday 23 to Wednesday 25 October. Price for this 3 day course is £105...
2XV Steamroller Chipstead to Cross the Line Flat Out

2XV Steamroller Chipstead to Cross the Line Flat Out

Due to the hot weather affecting my memory (nothing to do with the celebrations Saturday night) this match report and season wrap up will be brief. Eagles 2XV faced Chipstead 2XV on Saturday 8th April for the season wrap up and with the league won it was simply to go...