200 Club

Many thanks to the members of the 200 Club whose donations helped the club for many years.

The 200 Club closed at the end of September 2021 and has been replaced with the Eagles Cash Prize Draw.

If you are a prior member of the 200 Club and have questions about your membership, please contact eaglesrugby200@aol.com

Previous Winners

200 Club Winners – July to November 2020

The winners of the 200 Club draws over the period July to November 2020 are shown below.  The Club would sincerely like to thank those winners who so very kindly gave back all, or some of their winnings to aid the Club at this challenging time: July: Robin Townsend...

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200 Club Winners – Mar 20 to Jun 20

The winners of the 200 Club draws over the period March to June 2020 were: March 2020 Ian Eversden £50 donated to the club David Pink £100 April 2020    Jessica Page £50 John Edwards £100 donated to the club May 2020 John Cole £1,000 June 2020    Richard Bolton £50...

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200 Club Winners – Sep 19 to Feb 20

The winners of the 200 Club draws over the period September 2019 to February 2020 were: September 2019 Simon Cousins        £500 October 2019 John Edwards        £50 Richard Hewson     £100 November 2019 Trevor Sokell         £50 Steve Hart             £100 December...

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200 Club July and August 2019 Winners

The winners of the 200 Club draw in July 2019 were: £100: No. 70 - A Sokell. £50: No. 159 - S Hart. The winners of the 200 Club draw in August 2019 were: £100: No. 70 - A Derbie. £50: No. 23 - A Sokell. If you aren't in it you can't win it!

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Winners for 2020/21 Season

John Fluker
Lee Wayland
September£500Valerie Howard
Kirsty Beney
Bryony Long
Jane Maycock
Jim Francis

Winners for 2019/20 Season

A Sokell
S Hart
September£500Simon Cousins
Richard Hewson
John Edwards
Steve Hart
Trevor Sokell
Tim Lane
John Delliere
Alan Bone
Tim Aldridge
Alan Bone
Jane Maycock
David Pink
Ian Eversden (donated to the Club)
John Edwards (donated to the Club)
Jessica Page
May£1000John Cole
Bryony Long
Richard Bolton
Joan Boardman
Robin Townsend

200 Club Rules

  1. The Lottery will be administered by a Promoter appointed by the Management Board of Effingham & Leatherhead R.F.C (“the Club”).  Any change in the details of the Promoter will be publicised on the Club notice board and on the Club website.
  2. Only Members of the Club aged 16 or over are entitled to purchase shares in the Lottery but parents or guardians of younger Members may also purchase shares.  A purchaser of a share becomes a Participant in the Lottery.  Participants are entitled to hold any number of shares.  Participants who resign their membership of the Club may retain their share(s) in the Lottery.
  3. The number of shares in the Lottery shall be unlimited and each share shall be allocated a unique number.
  4. The Lottery shall run from 1 September to 31 August each year.  There shall be a draw made for each calendar month and the prize(s) value shall be as set out in the attached schedule.
  5. Prize-winners will be notified at the last address held by the Promoter for that Participant.  It is the responsibility of a Participant to advise the Promoter of any change.  The Promoter will use his best endeavours to locate prize-winners but any prize cheque not cashed (or any winner not located) within 6 months will be deemed a donation to the Club.  A list of prize-winners will also be posted on the Club’s website.
  6. The subscription for each share is £30.00 per annum payable monthly, quarterly or annually in advance by cheque or standing order.  Subscriptions with effect from June 2006 shall be payable annually, except that Senior Members of the Club paying their Club subscriptions monthly may also pay their Lottery subscription monthly.
  7. A Participant’s share(s) will participate in the monthly draws for as long as payment has been made for the month of the draw.  Every paid up share will be included in every monthly draw.  Any Participant whose subscription falls into arrears shall automatically forfeit the right to be included in any future draw until payment is made.
  8. All Participants are entitled to attend the draws, which must be held in the presence of at least 3 members of the Club Management Board on such occasions and times as the Promoter shall deem approproate.
  9. The Promoter will not pay a prize to any Participant other than the purchaser(s) of a winning share.
  10. No subscription will be refunded.
  11. If the number of paid up shares falls below 100 the Lottery will be terminated and a draw held for the balance in hand in such proportions as the Promoter shall deem appropriate.
  12. If the number of paid up shares exceeds 250 then additional prizes will be paid as set out in the schedule attached.
  13. The Promoter will determine any dispute.  An appeal may be made to the Management Board of the Club, who will convene a sub-committee consisting of Chairman of the Management Board, Treasurer and another member of the Management Board whose decision shall be final.
  14. The Lottery is intended to be a private lottery under the provisions of the Lotteries and Amusements Act 1976, as amended.
  15. The types of eligible membership of Effingham & Leatherhead R.F.C. shall have the same definition as in the Club Rules and are:
  • Senior Member
  • Student Senior Playing Member
  • Family Member
  • Student Junior Playing Member
  • Non-playing Member
  • Occasional Playing Member
  • Non-Playing Family Member
  • Vice President
  • Honorary Life Member